Dr. Masoud Gharib
Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy
Dean of School of Allied Medical sciences
School of Allied Medical Sciences began its activity in 1991 by admitting students in medical records. This school continued its activities by admitting students for associate degree in anesthesiology, operating room technology (surgery technology), radiology and medical laboratory sciences. Currently the school has 18 faculty members including 1 associate professor, 11 assistant professors, and 6 instructors. Currently 1583 students are studying in the school of Allied Medical Sciences.
School Of Allied Medical Sciences, Payambar Azam Academic Complex, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, 18 km of Khazarabad Road, Sari, Mazandaran, Iran.
Postal Code: 4847193711
Tel.: (+98 11) 33543246
Fax: (+98 11) 33543245
E-mail: alliedmed@mazums.ac.ir