Dr. Majid Saeedi
Professor of Pharmaceutics
Dean of School of Pharmacy
School of Pharmacy which is the first school of pharmacy in the north of Iran, started its academic activities with 17 students in 1994, located in Payambar Azam Academic Complex. Currently the school of pharmacy admits students in majors including medical chemistry, nuclear pharmacy, clinical pharmacy and pharmaceutics. This school has 32 faculty members including 12 professors, 8 associate professors and 12 assistant professors. Presently the school of pharmacy has 571 students.
School of Pharmacy, Payambar Azam Academic Complex, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, 18 km of Khazarabad Road, Sari, Mazandaran, Iran Postal Code: 4847193698
Tel.: (+98 11) 33543081
Fax: (+98 11) 33543084
E-mail: pharmacy@mazums.ac.ir